Audio FAQ

We provide you with amazing sound quality! We automatically convert and host your media in various formats available for mobile streaming playback and downloading.

Can I post my lyrics for my songs?
Why yes you can. Posting your lyrics is great way to help you be found online. Manytimes, fans will search for part of a lyric because they don't know...
Sun, 12 Oct, 2014 at 6:22 PM
Can my fans share my songs?
Yes. A fan can share them with a friend on Facebook. In our next release we will be making the share functions much better. 
Sun, 12 Oct, 2014 at 6:23 PM
Does Fizzkicks have any ownership rights to my music?
No we do not. It is your work of art not ours. Please read our Terms of Use.
Sun, 12 Oct, 2014 at 6:23 PM
Can I upload covers, mixtapes, and re-makes?
You must own or control all rights to the content you upload. You are 100% liable for anything you upload. Please read our Terms of Use for full detail...
Sun, 12 Oct, 2014 at 6:24 PM